
TypeasearchenginenameandpressTab.Addwww.and...Ctrl+Clickalink.Openalink,andjumptoit...Double-clickablankareaofthetabstrip.Make ...,Youcanusekeyboardshortcutstocompletesometasksmorequickly.Tofindshortcutsonthispage,pressCtrl+fandenterwhatyouwanttofind.,2022年12月14日—OnceIcouldactivateDictateTextbyclickingDoubleCTRL.ThentriedtotypeinonAppleNotes,MSWord,GoogleSheets,GoogleDriveSearch ...,2021年1...

Chrome keyboard shortcuts

Type a search engine name and press Tab. Add www. and ... Ctrl + Click a link. Open a link, and jump to it ... Double-click a blank area of the tab strip. Make ...

Chromebook keyboard shortcuts

You can use keyboard shortcuts to complete some tasks more quickly. To find shortcuts on this page, press Ctrl + f and enter what you want to find.

Double CTRL And Dictate Text Does Not Work

2022年12月14日 — Once I could activate Dictate Text by clicking Double CTRL. Then tried to type in on Apple Notes, MS Word, Google Sheets, Google Drive Search ...

Double tap Ctrl (Ctrl + Ctrl) keeps switching Focus assist

2021年12月9日 — Double tapping Ctrl key keeps switching on Focus assist. It also shows a circle at my cursor and dims the rest of the screen.

Google Desktop's Ctrl,Ctrl feature on windows?

2014年2月13日 — go into the properties of the shortcut ( rightclick -> properties ), under the Shortcut tab there should be a Shortcut key field. type a key ...

How do I hook in to a double

2009年6月10日 — What I'm looking for is functionality similar to Google desktop. When you hit Ctrl twice rapidly, a little search box pops up. I've tried ...

Is it possible to detect ctrl key state on dblclick event

2010年10月21日 — I am using Google maps API version 3. I would like my double click event handler to work as follows: google.maps.event.addListener(map, ...

Quick double

2021年10月29日 — Today I accidentally tapped the [Ctrl] key twice quickly while playing, and discovered a behavior that I'd never seen before.

Today I learned double

2021年12月20日 — It turns out I'd accidentally double-pressed Ctrl, which triggers the Find My Mouse feature in Microsoft's excellent optional PowerToys.

What is this? It triggers when i double press the Ctrl key

2021年10月29日 — It's the new Find My Mouse tool added to PowerToys.